“Apakah Elon Musk akan Tinggalkan Tesla Jika Pemegang Saham Menolak Paket Kompensasi? Peringatan Menegangkan dari Gary Black” – Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA)

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Elon Musk’s Compensation Package Controversy

Gary Black, Managing Partner and investor at The Future Fund LLC, has expressed strong support for Elon Musk’s 2018 compensation package. Black warned that voting against it in the upcoming proxy vote could have significant repercussions for Tesla Inc. According to Black, rejecting Musk’s compensation package could lead to Musk leaving Tesla or focusing his efforts on other ventures like xAI. Black emphasized the importance of Musk’s leadership for Tesla’s success, stating that many of Tesla’s most talented engineers may leave without him.

The Debate Over Musk’s Compensation Package

The 2018 pay package for Elon Musk was overturned by a Delaware court earlier this year, deeming it an “unfathomable sum.” Tesla’s board is now attempting to reinstate the compensation package through a shareholder vote in June. The debate over Musk’s compensation package has been a contentious issue, with critics arguing that the $56 billion package is excessive and that Tesla needs a full-time CEO focused on the company’s operations. Legal experts have also weighed in, suggesting that Tesla may face challenges in granting Musk a new pay package due to the unique circumstances of the 2018 agreement.

Support for Musk’s Compensation Package

In response to news that Marcie Frost, CEO of CalPERS, would vote against Musk’s compensation package, Black urged all institutional shareholders who want Tesla’s stock to go higher to vote for the 2018 pay package in the upcoming proxy vote. The debate has intensified, with Musk himself criticizing CalPERS for breaking the deal by voting against his compensation package. Black’s support for Musk’s compensation package highlights the potential consequences of not supporting Musk’s leadership at Tesla.

Stock Performance and Market Response

On Wednesday, Tesla’s stock closed at $176.19, with a 52-week high of $299.29 and a low of $138.80. The market response to the debate over Elon Musk’s compensation package has been mixed, with investors closely monitoring the situation. The outcome of the upcoming shareholder vote on Musk’s compensation package could have implications for Tesla’s stock performance and overall market sentiment.


The controversy surrounding Elon Musk’s 2018 compensation package continues to be a topic of debate among investors and legal experts. The upcoming shareholder vote on reinstating the compensation package will be closely watched, as it could impact Tesla’s future direction and Musk’s role within the company. Gary Black’s strong support for Musk’s leadership and compensation package underscores the importance of retaining Musk at the helm of Tesla for its long-term success. As the market responds to these developments, investors will be watching closely to see how the situation unfolds.



Manajer Mitra The Future Fund LLC dan investor Gary Black memberikan dukungan kuat terhadap paket kompensasi Elon Musk pada tahun 2018 dan memperingatkan bahwa menolaknya bisa memiliki dampak signifikan bagi Tesla Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA). Black mengungkapkan bahwa tanpa kepemimpinan Elon, banyak insinyur terbaik Tesla akan pergi, dan upaya untuk mencapai otonomi tanpa pengawasan sebelum pesaing bisa terhenti atau bahkan gagal.

Apa pendapat Anda tentang kontroversi paket kompensasi Elon Musk? Apakah keputusan Marcie Frost dari CalPERS untuk menentang paket tersebut tepat? Bagaimana menurut Anda masa depan Tesla jika Elon Musk meninggalkan perusahaan? Bagikan pemikiran Anda di kolom komentar di bawah, dan jangan lupa untuk memberikan suara dalam pemungutan suara proxy untuk paket kompensasi Musk pada bulan Juni mendatang.

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