Biden Dukung Upaya Penggajian Karyawan VW untuk Bersatu

Biden Backs VW Autoworkers’ Bid To Unionize

Volkswagen Workers in Chattanooga File for Union Election with UAW

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Chattanooga, Tennessee filed a petition with the National Labor Relations Board to hold a vote on whether or not to join the UAW. Workers at the Volkswagen assembly plant are seeking to conduct a union vote within 100 days.

President Biden Supports Volkswagen Workers

President Joe Biden praised Volkswagen autoworkers for taking steps towards joining the United Auto Workers union. The workers at Volkswagen’s plant in Chattanooga have filed a petition to the NLRB to initiate a union vote.

Workers’ Reasons for Joining UAW

In a video posted on YouTube, Volkswagen workers expressed their desire to join the UAW citing reasons such as the need for change, to be heard, and fair treatment. This shows the workers’ willingness to have a collective voice in their workplace.

Voting Process Acknowledged by Volkswagen

Volkswagen has acknowledged the petition filed by the workers and stated its support for a democratic process where every team member can privately vote on the decision. This emphasizes the importance of respecting the workers’ right to determine their representation.

UAW Endorses President Biden

The UAW endorsed President Biden’s re-election bid, citing his support for workers’ rights and favorable changes made by his administration at the NLRB. This endorsement aligns with the UAW’s goal of organizing workers at foreign-owned U.S. plants.

UAW’s Efforts in Organizing Transplants

The UAW has been striving to organize workers at U.S. plants owned by foreign automakers, known as transplants. The recent momentum among workers to consider joining the UAW follows successful negotiations that led to pay raises and benefits for members.

Impact of Economic Gains on Workers

Analysts have varying opinions on how the economic gains won by the UAW may affect automakers’ future investments in products and technologies. The UAW’s goal of organizing workers at transplants, such as in Chattanooga, marks a significant step towards achieving union representation.


The decision by workers at Volkswagen’s Chattanooga plant to seek a union vote reflects a growing trend of workers demanding a collective voice in their workplaces. President Biden’s support, along with the UAW’s endorsement, highlights the importance of workers’ rights and the ongoing efforts to organize workers across different industries.


Pabrik Volkswagen di Chattanooga, Tennessee mengajukan petisi kepada National Labor Relations Board untuk melakukan pemungutan suara apakah akan bergabung dengan UAW. Presiden Joe Biden mengapresiasi langkah para pekerja otomotif Volkswagen meminta pemungutan suara terkait bergabung dengan serikat pekerja United Auto Workers. Apakah Anda mendukung hak pekerja untuk memilih bergabung dengan serikat pekerja?

Langkah ini menandai kemenangan pertama bagi UAW dalam upaya panjangnya untuk mengorganisir pekerja di pabrik-pabrik milik asing di AS. Bagaimana pendapat Anda tentang pentingnya keberadaan serikat pekerja dan hak pekerja untuk memilih bergabung dengan serikat? Yuk, bagikan pandangan Anda di kolom komentar di bawah!

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