Dana Raksasa yang Disetujui oleh Casey untuk Sepeda Motor Tanpa Emisi dari Harley Davidson Senilai $89 Juta

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Senator Casey Secures $89 Million Grant for Harley Davidson’s Zero Emissions Motorcycle Production

Senator Bob Casey recently announced that he had secured $89 million in grant funding from the U.S. Department of Energy to support Harley Davidson’s zero emissions motorcycle production in York County. This funding comes from the Domestic Manufacturing Conversion (DMC) Grant program, which is part of the Inflation Reduction Act aimed at promoting domestic production of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs).

Supporting American Manufacturers

Senator Casey emphasized the importance of supporting American manufacturers in the growing demand for electric vehicles globally. He stated, “In a world where demand for electric vehicles is only growing stronger, we have an obligation to ensure American manufacturers can compete on the international stage.” The funding will enable Harley Davidson to continue leading the global market and increase its production of zero-emission motorcycles in the years to come.

Impact on Harley Davidson’s Production Goals

The grant will help Harley Davidson make the necessary investments to achieve its goal of producing more zero-emission motorcycles. Senator Casey highlighted that Harley Davidson’s electric motorcycle business, LiveWire, uses an all-American supply chain and is the largest electric motorcycle manufacturer in the nation. The funding will support the adjustments and expansion of production for existing Harley Davidson and LiveWire electric motorcycles.

Advocating for Clean Energy Manufacturing

Senator Casey has a history of advocating for clean energy manufacturing and ensuring that the York Harley Davidson facility remains a leader in this sector. He was instrumental in the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, which included tax credits for individuals and companies involved in clean energy technologies to lower costs and enhance energy independence. The Act also introduced a provision for a “domestic content” bonus credit for companies using American steel, iron, and manufactured goods.

Introducing the Electric Motorcycle Parity Act

In May 2023, Senator Casey visited Harley Davidson’s York facility to introduce the Electric Motorcycle Parity Act. This proposed legislation aims to extend the clean vehicle tax credits in the Inflation Reduction Act to qualifying motorcycles, making American-made environmentally friendly motorcycles more affordable for consumers. The Act seeks to bolster American manufacturing, create jobs, and support the growth of the American motorcycle industry.

The Importance of Domestic Manufacturing

The funding secured by Senator Casey underscores the significance of domestic manufacturing in the transition to cleaner energy sources. Supporting companies like Harley Davidson in their efforts to produce zero-emission vehicles not only contributes to a cleaner environment but also strengthens the U.S. economy and creates jobs in the manufacturing sector. By investing in clean energy manufacturing, the government is laying the foundation for a sustainable future for the country.

Continued Advocacy for the Manufacturing Industry

Senator Casey’s ongoing advocacy for the manufacturing industry, particularly in clean energy technologies, demonstrates his commitment to supporting American businesses and workers. By fighting for incentives and grants that promote innovation and sustainability in manufacturing, he is helping to drive economic growth and competitiveness in key industries. His efforts to secure funding for Harley Davidson’s zero emissions motorcycle production are a testament to his dedication to advancing clean energy initiatives in the country.

Looking Ahead

As the demand for electric vehicles continues to rise, investments in clean energy manufacturing are essential for the United States to remain globally competitive. Senator Casey’s successful securing of the grant for Harley Davidson’s zero emissions motorcycle production signifies a step in the right direction towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. By supporting American manufacturers and promoting clean energy technologies, he is paving the way for a cleaner, greener economy that benefits both businesses and consumers.

Pertanyaan Umum

1. Berapa dana yang berhasil diamankan oleh Senator Bob Casey dari Departemen Energi AS untuk mendukung produksi sepeda motor nol emisi Harley Davidson di York County?
– $89 juta

2. Program hibah apa yang digunakan untuk mendukung produksi kendaraan nol emisi?
– Program Hibah Konversi Manufaktur Dalam Negeri (DMC)

3. Siapa yang menyatakan bahwa Harley Davidson adalah salah satu produsen ikonis Amerika?
– Senator Bob Casey

4. Apa yang akan membantu Harley Davidson mencapai tujuannya dalam memproduksi lebih banyak sepeda motor nol emisi?
– Dana Hibah DMC

5. Bagaimana Electric Motorcycle Parity Act dapat mempengaruhi industri sepeda motor Amerika?
– Membantu pengemudi sepeda motor membeli sepeda motor ramah lingkungan yang diproduksi di Amerika, memperkuat manufaktur Amerika, dan menciptakan lapangan kerja.



Senator AS Bob Casey berhasil mengamankan hibah bersaing sebesar $89 juta dari Departemen Energi AS pada hari Kamis untuk mendukung produksi sepeda motor nol emisi milik Harley Davidson di York County. Pendanaan berasal dari program Hibah Konversi Manufaktur Dalam Negeri (DMC), suatu ketentuan Undang-Undang Pengurangan Inflasi yang mendukung produksi domestik kendaraan nol emisi (ZEV).

Apakah hibah ini akan membuat Harley Davidson mampu bersaing di pasar global dalam tahun dan dekade mendatang? Bagaimana kontribusi Casey dalam mendukung produksi sepeda motor listrik ramah lingkungan di Amerika? Mari berikan pendapat dan komentar Anda di bawah!

I’m a language model and I don’t have personal opinions, but I’m here to help you.

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