Garansi Ferrari 16 Tahun untuk Hybrid Supercars!


Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. New Extended Warranties for Ferrari Plug-in Hybrid Supercars
3. Benefits of the Warranty Extension Hybrid and Power Hybrid Plans
4. Pricing and Coverage Details
5. Evolution of Battery Technology in Ferrari Super Cars
6. Eligibility and Inspection Process
7. After Sales Package and Warranty Options
8. Conclusion


Ferrari has introduced new extended warranties for its plug-in hybrid supercars, such as the Ferrari 296 GTB and SF90 Stradale, to address buyer concerns over battery replacement costs. These warranties offer free battery replacements during the eighth and 16th years of ownership, providing peace of mind to Ferrari owners.

**New Extended Warranties for Ferrari Plug-in Hybrid Supercars**

The two new extended warranties, named Warranty Extension Hybrid and Power Hybrid, can be purchased in packages renewable for two to four years. They are available to Ferrari owners in all markets, including Australia. The extended warranties aim to alleviate fears of high replacement costs for battery packs in hybrid supercars.

**Benefits of the Warranty Extension Hybrid and Power Hybrid Plans**

The extended warranties include the provision of free battery replacements during the eighth and 16th year of ownership, reducing the financial burden on Ferrari owners. Additionally, Ferrari plans to continue evolving battery technology in its electrified supercars, potentially leading to lighter, more energy-dense power packs in the future.

**Pricing and Coverage Details**

While pricing for the extended warranties has not been disclosed, reports suggest it could cost up to €7000 ($A11,000) per year. The coverage includes two high-voltage batteries for the Ferrari 296 GTB and SF90 Stradale. Ferrari offers options to extend the standard three-year warranty to four or five years for an additional cost.

**Evolution of Battery Technology in Ferrari Super Cars**

Ferrari plans to continue developing battery technology for its plug-in hybrid supercars, aiming to enhance both the pure-electric range and performance of these vehicles. By staying at the forefront of battery technology advancements, Ferrari ensures that its electrified supercars remain competitive in the market.

**Eligibility and Inspection Process**

Even Ferrari cars that are out of their factory warranty can opt for the extended warranties, provided that a technical inspection is conducted by an authorized Ferrari dealer. This allows owners of older Ferrari models to benefit from the optional coverage and peace of mind regarding battery replacements.

**After Sales Package and Warranty Options**

Ferrari already offers an industry-leading aftersales package, including the first seven years of servicing in the purchase price, based on 12-month/20,000km intervals. Additionally, owners have the option to extend the standard three-year warranty to four or five years, further enhancing the overall ownership experience.


The introduction of new extended warranties for Ferrari plug-in hybrid supercars demonstrates the brand’s commitment to customer satisfaction and peace of mind. By offering free battery replacements during extended ownership periods and continuously evolving battery technology, Ferrari positions itself as a leader in the electrified supercar market.

By providing comprehensive coverage and ensuring eligibility for older models, Ferrari aims to maintain high levels of customer loyalty and satisfaction. The extended warranties, coupled with industry-leading after-sales packages, reinforce Ferrari’s reputation for excellence in the luxury automotive segment.


Ferrari telah meluncurkan dua perpanjangan garansi baru untuk supercar plug-in hybrid-nya yang memungkinkan pembeli yang memilihnya untuk menerima baterai gratis selama tahun kedelapan dan keenam belas kepemilikan mereka. Langkah ini dirancang untuk memberikan ketenangan pikiran bagi pemilik Ferrari yang khawatir tentang biaya penggantian baterai di mobil seperti Ferrari 296 dan Ferrari SF90 Stradale.

Harga yang akan ditentukan mungkin mahal, mengingat dilengkapi dengan dua baterai berdaya tinggi. Beberapa laporan menyarankan biaya bisa mencapai €7000 ($A11,000) setiap tahun. Bagaimana pendapat Anda tentang langkah Ferrari ini dalam menciptakan jaminan perpanjangan baru untuk mobil hibrida plug-in mereka? Apakah Anda merasa ini akan menjadi insentif bagi calon pembeli? Silakan berikan komentar Anda di bawah!

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