Honda Kanada Memilih Port Colborne, Ont., untuk Pabrik Selanjutnya dalam Rantai Pasokan Kendaraan Listrik yang Menarik dan Penuh Misteri


Honda Canada’s $15-billion investment to establish a Canadian electric vehicle supply chain will greatly benefit the local economy of Port Colborne, Ont. The company executives will announce the expansion of its facility in Alliston, Ont., to manufacture batteries and assemble electric vehicles. Asahi Kasei Corporation also announced a partnership with Honda to build Canada’s first lithium ion battery separator plant in Ontario, with Port Colborne being chosen as the location.

Massive Investment in Electric Vehicle Supply Chain

The federal and provincial governments each contributed $2.5 billion in tax credits and other incentives to attract Honda’s business to Ontario. The governments have not disclosed how much of these incentives helped secure the Port Colborne plant specifically. Honda’s investment in Canada’s electric vehicle supply chain is expected to boost the local economy and create jobs in the region.

Expansion in Alliston, Ont.

Honda Canada’s original facility in Alliston, Ontario will expand to include new electric vehicle assembly lines and its own battery manufacturing plant. The joint ventures in Port Colborne and another yet-to-be-announced municipality will feed into this supply chain. Asahi Kasei’s investment of nearly $1.6 billion in the separator facility highlights the significance of this project for Canada’s electric vehicle industry.

Competition Among Provinces

Winnipeg was in the running to host the separator plant, but was outbid by southwestern Ontario due to its ability to provide renewable electricity and critical minerals. Quebec also missed out on a Honda manufacturing facility, leading to complaints from the Legault government. The announcement of all new plants in Ontario by Honda has raised concerns about the distribution of investments across provinces.

Future Plans for Ontario

Another Ontario municipality is expected to be announced by Honda for a cathode active material and precursor processing plant in a joint venture with South Korea’s POSCO Future M Co., Ltd. The vertically integrated supply chain that Honda is establishing in Ontario is predicted to reduce battery-making costs by 20%, addressing concerns about the affordability of electric vehicles for consumers.

Advantages in Ontario

Ontario’s ready network of automotive parts suppliers, clean electricity grid, and convenient access to the American consumer market make it an attractive location for Honda’s electric vehicle supply chain. The province’s strategic location and existing infrastructure are key factors in attracting major investments in the automotive industry.

Trade Deal Benefits

Canada and Japan are both members of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, which allows for reciprocal labor mobility and preferential tariff treatment for automotive parts and vehicles. The requirements for regional manufacturing set by the trade deal are expected to be met through Honda’s investments in Ontario.

In conclusion, Honda’s investment in the Canadian electric vehicle supply chain, with a major focus on Ontario, is set to bring significant economic benefits to the region. The expansion of facilities in Alliston, joint ventures in Port Colborne, and future plans for additional investments demonstrate Honda’s commitment to the growth of the electric vehicle industry in Canada. The support from the federal and provincial governments, combined with the advantages of Ontario’s infrastructure and access to key markets, position the province as a hub for electric vehicle manufacturing and innovation.

Pertanyaan Umum

1. Apa rencana investasi besar dari Honda Canada untuk mendirikan rantai pasokan kendaraan listrik di Kanada?
Jawab: Honda Canada berinvestasi sebesar $15 miliar untuk mendirikan rantai pasokan kendaraan listrik di Kanada.

2. Di mana lokasi yang dipilih oleh Honda untuk membangun pabrik pemisah baterai lithium ion pertama di Kanada?
Jawab: Lokasi yang dipilih oleh Honda untuk membangun pabrik pemisah baterai lithium ion pertama di Kanada adalah Ontario, namun kota yang berhasil meraih tawaran ini tidak diumumkan.

3. Berapa besar investasi yang dilakukan oleh mitra Honda, Asahi Kasei Corporation, untuk pabrik pemisah baterai tersebut?
Jawab: Mitra Honda, Asahi Kasei Corporation, menginvestasikan hampir $1.6 miliar untuk pabrik pemisah baterai tersebut.

4. Apa yang diprediksi oleh Honda mengenai pemotongan biaya pembuatan baterai?
Jawab: Honda memprediksi akan memotong biaya pembuatan baterai sebesar 20% melalui rantai pasokan yang terintegrasi secara vertikal di Ontario.

5. Apa yang membuat Ontario menjadi pilihan yang menarik bagi Honda untuk berinvestasi dalam pembuatan kendaraan listrik?
Jawab: Ontario dipilih karena sudah memiliki jaringan pemasok suku cadang otomotif yang siap, serta pasokan listrik yang relatif bersih dan akses yang mudah ke pasar konsumen Amerika yang berharga.


Honda Canada akan melakukan investasi senilai $15 miliar untuk menyiapkan rantai pasokan kendaraan listrik di Kanada, dimulai dari Port Colborne, Ont. Eksekutif perusahaan akan bergabung dengan PM Justin Trudeau, Premier Ontario Doug Ford, serta Menteri Inovasi federal François-Philippe Champagne dan Menteri Pembangunan Ekonomi Ontario Vic Fedeli dalam pengumuman resmi pada hari Selasa. Perluasannya meliputi pembuatan baterai dan perakitan versi kendaraan listrik dari merek terlaris Honda.

Kabar meluas di media sosial bahwa Port Colborne dipilih sebagai lokasi pembangunan pabrik, di mana Honda akan bekerja sama dengan Asahi Kasei Corporation dalam pembangunan pabrik separator baterai. Dua pemerintahan, federal dan provinsi, memberikan insentif agar Honda memilih Ontario sebagai tempat untuk investasi. Bagaimana dampak ekonomi komunitas lokal dengan adanya investasi besar ini? Apakah pembuatan kendaraan listrik akan membawa perubahan positif bagi lingkungan dan industri otomotif Kanada? Tulis pendapat Anda di kolom komentar!

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