Ini Alasan Mengapa Tesla Makin Berjaya Saat Perusahaan Mobil Listrik Lain Terpuruk dan Raksasa Otomotif Merangkul Hybrid

Elon Musk’s Tesla has faced a challenging year, with shares down by 34% year to date. However, despite the difficulties faced by the electric-vehicle sector, Tesla is positioned relatively better compared to its competitors, according to automotive analyst Garrett Nelson from CFRA. Other EV companies like Fisker are seeing signs of potential bankruptcy, while major automakers are shifting their focus to hybrids as EV sales growth slows down. Nelson believes that this situation creates an opportunity for Tesla to further increase its market share in the coming years.

The Challenges Faced by EV Industry

Several challenges are affecting the EV industry, with competitors like Rivian facing doubts about their long-term prospects. Rivian recently announced a delay in constructing a factory in Georgia, opting to build its new models at an existing plant in Illinois to save costs. This distress within the EV sector is reflected in the overall landscape which isn’t favorable. However, Tesla is considered the “best house on a bad block” in the Western market, even though challenges persist in key markets like China due to intense competition.

Financial Strength of Tesla

One of the key strengths of Tesla today is its financial position. The company has an investment-grade balance sheet with over $29 billion in cash and minimal debt. This financial stability sets Tesla apart from its past struggles as an EV startup. Despite Musk’s involvement in different ventures like Twitter, Tesla’s financial health remains robust. This stability is crucial for Tesla’s growth and ability to navigate challenges within the EV industry.

Challenges of Musk’s Leadership

Recent controversies surrounding Elon Musk’s leadership role and behavior on platforms like Twitter have raised concerns among investors. Ross Gerber, CEO of Gerber Kawasaki Wealth & Investment Management, expressed frustration with Musk’s public behavior impacting Tesla’s demand and profitability. Musk’s controversial tweets have led to discounts and other measures that have affected Tesla’s margins and returns. The increased scrutiny on Musk’s behavior has influenced the perception of Tesla among investors and the public.

Evaluating Tesla’s Stock Performance

The decline in Tesla’s stock price has been attributed to Musk’s erratic behavior and other factors. Garrett Nelson acknowledges that Musk’s actions have influenced the company’s stock price, as the market reacts to all available information related to Tesla. Despite the recent pullback, Nelson views this as a necessary correction after Tesla’s stock price doubled last year. He remains optimistic about Tesla’s future performance and has personally invested in buying the dip, predicting a potential 68% increase in Tesla’s shares from the current level.


Despite the challenges faced by the EV industry and Tesla’s recent stock decline, experts like Garrett Nelson view Tesla as well-positioned for growth and market share expansion. Tesla’s financial strength, combined with potential opportunities in the EV sector, offers hope for the company’s future performance. While concerns about Musk’s leadership persist, the overall outlook for Tesla remains positive as it navigates through a changing landscape in the electric vehicle market.

Pertanyaan Umum

1. Bagaimana performa saham Tesla pada tahun 2024?
Jawab: Saham Tesla turun 34% sepanjang tahun ini.

2. Mengapa perusahaan mobil listrik seperti Tesla mengalami kesulitan?
Jawab: Industri mobil listrik sedang mengalami kesulitan secara umum.

3. Apa yang membuat Tesla dianggap berada dalam posisi yang lebih baik dibandingkan pesaingnya?
Jawab: Tesla dianggap berada dalam posisi yang lebih baik karena pesaingnya mengalami kesulitan finansial.

4. Apa yang membuat analis CFRA percaya bahwa Tesla akan semakin meluaskan pangsa pasarnya?
Jawab: Fokus para produsen mobil besar saat ini adalah pada mobil hibrida.

5. Bagaimana dampak perilaku Elon Musk di media sosial terhadap kinerja Tesla?
Jawab: Perilaku Elon Musk di media sosial berdampak pada permintaan produk Tesla.


Tesla telah mengalami tahun 2024 yang sulit, dengan sahamnya turun 34% sepanjang tahun ini. Namun, ruang kendaraan listrik secara umum sedang mengalami kesulitan, dan, relatif, pengamat industri percaya bahwa perusahaan Elon Musk sedang duduk manis. Analis otomotif CFRA, Garrett Nelson, mengungkapkan bahwa saingan Tesla, Fisker, baru-baru ini merekrut penasihat restrukturisasi sambil membicarakan kemungkinan kebangkrutan. Sementara itu, pembuat mobil besar beralih fokus lebih ke mobil hybrid yang memberi pemilik efisiensi bahan bakar lebih besar tanpa rasa cemas jarak tempuh karena pertumbuhan penjualan EV melambat.

Apakah Anda percaya bahwa Tesla dapat terus tumbuh dalam pasar mobil listrik di masa mendatang? Bagaimana pendapat Anda mengenai pernyataan bahwa Tesla merupakan rumah terbaik di pasar barat yang buruk? Yuk berikan pendapat dan komentar Anda di bawah ini!

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