Mercedes A-Class Melanjutkan Pada 2026: Penjualan EV dan PHEV Mencengangkan!

Mercedes A-Class to continue into 2026; EV, PHEV sales predicted to be half of global volume by 2030

Mercedes-Benz A-Class: Discontinuation Plans Cancelled, Continued Production Until 2026

Mercedes-Benz has decided to cancel earlier plans of discontinuing the A-Class model line and is now set to continue production until 2026. This decision comes as the German manufacturer shifts its focus towards battery-electric vehicles, with projections showing that plug-in hybrids and fully electric vehicles will make up only half of the global sales target by 2030.

The Transformation of the Auto Industry

Mercedes-Benz CEO Ola Källenius acknowledges that the transformation of the auto industry towards electric vehicles will not be a straightforward process, with peaks and troughs expected along the way. One of the factors affecting the uptake of electric vehicles is the current price disparity between EVs and traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles.

Demand for EVs in the Small- and Medium-Sized Car Segments

Mercedes-Benz’s studies indicate that the demand for electric vehicles will be mainly concentrated in the small- and medium-sized car segments. However, the cost parity between electric vehicles and ICE models is still many years away, according to Källenius.

Mercedes-Benz’s Manufacturing Plant in Rastatt

The decision to continue A-Class production has led Mercedes-Benz to modify its manufacturing plant in Rastatt, Germany, to support the production of cars based on the current MFA platform for compact models, as well as cars built on the MMA platform. The MMA platform, primarily focused on fully electric models, will be first utilized for the third-generation CLA.

Electric Drive in the CLA Concept

The CLA Concept by Mercedes-Benz features the Electric Drive Unit, which consists of the motor, transmission, and power electronics developed in-house. This drive unit will be deployed across different model lines, with the CLA Concept boasting a 238 PS electric motor and a two-speed transmission.

Scalability and Powertrain Options

The modular design of the CLA Concept allows for scalability, enabling both rear-wheel-drive and all-wheel-drive configurations, including the possibility of dual-motor powertrains. The concept also features an 800-volt electrical architecture that supports up to 250 kW of DC fast charging, providing an additional 400 km of range in just 15 minutes.

Collaboration with Geely and Future Plans

Mercedes-Benz has planned to use its M282 four-cylinder petrol engine in combustion-engined versions of the next CLA, which will be manufactured by Geely in China. This engine is expected to be utilized in future models from Geely, Lynk & Co, and Volvo, showcasing collaboration between different automotive manufacturers.

Sell your Car with Carro

For those looking to sell their cars, Carro provides a platform to do so efficiently. Whether it’s a traditional ICE vehicle or an electric vehicle, Carro offers a convenient way to sell your car and explore new options.

In conclusion, Mercedes-Benz’s decision to continue A-Class production and its focus on electric vehicles signal a significant shift in the automotive industry. With ongoing developments in powertrain technology and manufacturing processes, the future of mobility is gradually becoming more sustainable and efficient.

Pertanyaan Umum

1. Berapa lama Mercedes-Benz A-Class akan diproduksi menurut rencana terbaru?
– Menurut laporan Autocar, Mercedes-Benz A-Class akan diproduksi hingga tahun 2026.

2. Apa yang diprediksi oleh studi terbaru Mercedes-Benz tentang penjualan kendaraan listrik?
– Studi terbaru Mercedes-Benz memprediksi bahwa plug-in hybrids dan kendaraan listrik sepenuhnya akan menjadi setengah dari penjualan global perusahaan pada tahun 2030.

3. Mengapa penyebaran kendaraan listrik belum sesuai dengan harapan?
– CEO Mercedes-Benz, Ola Källenius, mengatakan bahwa perbedaan harga antara kendaraan listrik dan kendaraan berbahan bakar bensin masih menjadi salah satu alasan kurangnya adopsi kendaraan listrik.

4. Apa yang menjadi fokus utama platform MMA dari Mercedes-Benz?
– Platform MMA (Mercedes-Benz Modular Architecture) merupakan platform terakhir yang mendukung mesin pembakaran internal, namun fokusnya utama adalah pada model kendaraan listrik sepenuhnya.

5. Motor listrik Mercedes-Benz Concept CLA memiliki berapa daya dan berapa jarak tempuh WLTP-nya?
– Motor listrik Mercedes-Benz Concept CLA memiliki daya 238 PS dengan transmisi dua-kecepatan, dan memiliki jarak tempuh WLTP hingga 750 km.


Mercedes-Benz A-Class akan terus diproduksi hingga tahun 2026, dengan penjualan EV dan PHEV diprediksi mencapai separuh dari volume global pada tahun 2030. CEO Mercedes-Benz, Ola Källenius, menyatakan bahwa perbedaan harga antara EV dan kendaraan bermesin bakar internal telah memperlambat adopsi EV. Stuudi Mercedes-Benz sendiri memperkirakan permintaan EV akan terutama berada pada segmen mobil kecil dan menengah, sementara kesetaraan biaya masih bertahun-tahun ke depan.

Penambahan masa produksi untuk A-Class telah menyebabkan Mercedes-Benz mengubah pabrik manufaktur di Rastatt, Jerman, untuk dapat menghasilkan mobil berdasarkan platform MFA sekaligus mobil yang dibangun di atas platform MMA. Platform MMA diklaim sebagai platform terakhir untuk mendukung mesin pembakaran internal bagi Mercedes-Benz. Bagaimana pendapat Anda mengenai keputusan Mercedes-Benz untuk terus memproduksi A-Class hingga 2026? Apakah Anda setuju dengan proyeksi penjualan EV dan PHEV Mercedes-Benz pada tahun 2030? Ayo berikan komentar dan pendapat Anda!

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