
Pertarungan Mobil Terbaik 2024: Honda CR-V vs Toyota RAV4 – Siapa yang akan menjadi Pemenang?

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dua SUV Hibrid Terlaris: Bandingkan 2024 Toyota Rav 4 Hybrid Woodland Edition dan 2024 Honda CRV Hybrid

Pertimbangan Efisiensi Bahan Bakar
Toyota Rav 4 Hybrid memiliki rata-rata 6 L per 100 km, sedangkan Honda CRV memiliki rata-rata 6.4 L per 100 km. Namun, dalam uji coba, hasilnya menunjukkan Rav 4 lebih unggul dengan 8.3 L per 100 km.

Tenaga dan Torsi
Toyota Rav 4 memiliki tenaga gabungan 219 tenaga kuda dan 221 lb-ft torsi dari 4-cylinder hybrid 2.5L, sedangkan Honda CRV memiliki tenaga gabungan 204 tenaga kuda dan 247 lb-ft torsi dari 4-cylinder hybrid 2L. Dalam modus sport, CRV terbukti lebih cepat.

Mode Berkendara dan Kemampuan Off-Road
Rav 4 dilengkapi dengan mode normal, sport, eco, dan trail, sementara CRV memiliki mode snow, eco, normal, dan sport. Rav 4 juga memungkinkan untuk off-road saat CRV lebih fokus pada kemewahan eksterior.

Desain dan Fitur
Rav 4 memiliki penampilan luar yang kuat dengan goresan desain yang khas, sementara CRV terlihat lebih mewah dari luar. Rav 4 hadir dalam Woodland Edition dengan roda bronze dan warna army green yang menarik.

Harga dan Fitur Tambahan
Toyota Rav 4 dijual dengan harga $41,930, sedangkan Honda CRV dijual dengan harga $47,700. Perbedaan harga ini juga mempengaruhi fitur tambahan seperti wireless charger yang hanya hadir di CRV.

Meskipun Toyota Rav 4 lebih unggul dalam beberapa aspek seperti harga, Honda CRV memiliki kelebihan dalam fitur interior yang lebih mewah dan sistem infotainment yang lebih baik. Keduanya tetap merupakan pilihan terbaik untuk SUV hybrid, tergantung pada preferensi individual. Jika kamu tertarik pada efisiensi bahan bakar dan harga terjangkau, Rav 4 mungkin menjadi pilihan yang lebih tepat. Namun, jika kamu menginginkan kemewahan yang lebih baik dan teknologi infotainment yang unggul, Honda CRV bisa menjadi pilihan yang lebih menggiurkan.

perlengkapan standar
Pengujian di jalan raya
Fitur khusus
Desain eksterior dan interior
Tingkat kenyamanan
Kelebihan dan Kekurangan
Harga Dijual
Tinjauan Kesimpulan
Harga dan Fitur Tambahan: Toyota Rav 4 dijual dengan harga yang lebih murah dibandingkan dengan Honda CRV
Pertimbangan Efisiensi Bahan Bakar
Tenaga dan Torsi
Mode Berkendara dan Kemampuan Off-Road
Desain dan Fitur
Harga dan Fitur Tambahan
Rav 4 vs. CRV: Efisiensi Bahan Bakar
Rav 4 vs. CRV: Tenaga dan Torsi
Rav 4 vs. CRV: Mode Berkendara dan Fitur Tambahan
Desain: Tampilan Luar dan Interior
Harga: Perbedaan Harga dan Fitur Tambahan
Kesimpulan: Pilihan Terbaik untuk SUV Hybrid
Kesimpulan Akhir dan Saran.

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Responses (33)

  1. My 2019 Subaru Crosstrek sport (2.0 L) makes less horsepower and torque, But it costs way less. Also, for those of you who live in Toronto or Vancouver, insurance is almost half for the Subaru. Fuel efficiency is similar to these 2 stupid hybrid cars.

  2. "Haunted Refrigerator" is how I describe the federally mandated exterior sounds of new hybrids and EVs. I think it is worth mentioning that the Honda has a mechanical AWD system, whereas the Toyota's "Woodland" trim uses an electric motor to drive the rear wheels. That ironically, might make the Honda more capable, "in the woods."

  3. I like both Honda CR-V and the Toyota RAV4 the problem in America is Honda is one of the most stolen Vehicle behind KIa . For that that reason and toyota have excellent customer service . And more trim models to chose from than honda .

  4. No one is talking about the tall vertical center console sidewall on the Rav4 , it feels extremely claustrophobic. Kept banging my knee into it during my test drive. Can't man spread in the Toyota, this small variation makes a huge difference. The Honda feels way more spacious and luxurious.

  5. Seeing them next to each other made my decision for me, it’s the Honda, sorry Toyota your design team is letting you down. Many of us buy a car we like the appearance of. Let’s face it these cars are both great but I’d rather date the pretty sister.

  6. According to the car care nut YouTube channel where he does talk about the hybrid battery he says in most cases the battery will actually outlast you. So in most cases you shouldn't have to replace the battery or worry about it until maybe you hand it off to your kid if that.

  7. i just got a 2024 rav4 andnits a good car and looks great but my 2015 rav4 is way better for engine and transmission smoothness . The new engine is loud , has yhe 4 cylinder buzz and shifts wierd off the get go. The info tainment is as toyoya as ever. Ive had a 2012 2015 and now 2024. 2015 was peak toyota.

  8. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV, Jesus Christ is the only way……..

  9. I think that the two vehicles are excellent, the price is not a factor because Toyota will change the model and raise the prices even more than the CRV, that's how the market works, off road, I'm incredulous about that, I think none of them are for that, and it I have verified, for that better a Tacoma, in short my favorite overall HONDA CRV.

  10. I have a 2015rav with 220k miles and love it. Im going to drive it as long as I can. I wont buy a cvt trans or a turbo engine. Im looking at the Rav4 adventure model for the increased tow capacity.

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