Siapa yang akan Menang? Tesla Model S Plaid Melawan McLaren 765LT, Huracan, GT-R

Tesla Model S Plaid vs McLaren 765LT on DRACS

Tesla Model S Plaid vs. McLaren 765LT: The Drag Racing Showdown

Tesla Model S Plaid vs. McLaren 765LT: The Drag Racing Showdown

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Things are going great for Tesla these days. It has total command of the American EV market after the first six months of the year and also overtook everything else to snatch the title of the best-selling model in Europe. And it all happened with the Model Y crossover SUV.

However, the real driving force behind the image and branding of the American electric car maker is the Plaid – which is, of course, only available on the flagship models – Model S and X. That means you can’t have both affordability and ultra-high, 1,020-pony’s worth of performance. But that probably doesn’t matter if you can beat a proper supercar with the family’s four-door sedan, right?

Drag Race 1

The first skirmish saw the Plaid take full advantage of its AWD and high instant torque, and it had a car’s lead on the McLaren 765LT just as it passed the Christmas tree. However, going past second gear, the ICE-powered supercar gets into its element, and the race became one of those instances when it’s ‘close, but not close enough’ as it almost recouped the entire distance – hence the 9.46s versus 9.73s result at 145 mph/233 kph and 148 mph/238 kph trap speeds, respectively.

Drag Race 2

The second skirmish was more of the same – with an even larger initial gap for the crimson EV and again the supercar trying to recoup the lost distance: 9.41s at 146 mph/235 kph for Tesla and 9.64s at 149 mph/240 kph for McLaren showed the two drivers were trying to extract everything from their rides.

Drag Race 3

At long last, the third attempt proved the charm for the ICE-powered sports car as the owner nailed a perfect start and inched ahead of its adversary with a best-of 9.2s ET at 149 mph against the opponent’s 9.39s at 147 mph (237 kph).

Roll Racing

By the way, if you want to see more losses for Team Tesla, from the 1:05 mark, the well-known ‘One Stop Solar’ white Tesla Model S Plaid got some fair beatings on account of trying to trespass into roll racing territory when a modded Lamborghini Huracan and Nissan GT-R were on point.

Pertanyaan Umum

1. Siapakah yang memimpin pasar mobil listrik di Amerika setelah enam bulan pertama tahun ini?
Jawaban: Tesla

2. Model Tesla apa yang menjadi model terlaris di Eropa?
Jawaban: Model Y

3. Apa yang menjadi pendorong utama citra dan merek mobil listrik Amerika?
Jawaban: Plaid

4. Di mana berlangsung aksi drag race antara Tesla Model S Plaid dan McLaren 765LT?
Jawaban: Bradenton Motorsport Park di Bradenton, Florida

5. Siapakah yang memenangkan drag race antara Tesla Model S Plaid dan McLaren 765LT?
Jawaban: McLaren 765LT


Tesla Model S Plaid kembali menjadi pembicaraan dengan kemampuannya untuk mengalahkan supercar dengan melakukan drag race yang menegangkan. Meskipun supercar seperti McLaren 765LT mencoba keras untuk mengejar, namun mesin listrik Tesla memberikan keunggulan yang signifikan dengan torsi instan yang besar. Awalnya, Tesla Model S Plaid berhasil mengungguli McLaren 765LT namun supercar tersebut mampu memperkecil jarak di akhir perlombaan. Dalam skenario yang sama, Tesla kembali unggul namun McLaren terus berusaha untuk mengejar.

Bagaimana menurut Anda performa Tesla Model S Plaid dalam drag race melawan supercar seperti McLaren 765LT? Apakah keunggulan torsi instan EV benar-benar dapat mengalahkan kekuatan mesin internal pembakaran McLaren? Menurut Anda, apakah drag race antara mobil listrik dan supercar dapat memberikan pandangan baru tentang performa kendaraan modern? Kirimkan pendapat dan komentar Anda di bawah ini!

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