Honda Civic 2022: Mobil Kompak yang Layak Dipertimbangkan
Honda Civic 2022, merupakan mobil kompak tersebut dengan desain eksterior, interior dan performa pada bagian mobil tersebut.Honda Civic baru dalam video ini, akan mempertimbangkan mengenai eksterior, interior dan melakukan uji coba untuk melihat seberapa cepatnya mobil ini berakselerasi dari 0 ke 60 mil per jam.Honda Civic ini memiliki beragam fitur yang mampu meyakinkan konsumen akan kualitas dan kecanggihan yang ditawarkan.
Desain Luar
Untuk saat ini, generasi Honda Civic sebelumnya menghadirkan banyak ventilasi tiruan, tetapi generasi terbaru menampilkan peningkatan yang bagus. Bahkan, dengan ada beberapa ventilasi tiruan di bagian belakang mobil. Namun, desain belakang mobil ini sangat menarik dan memberi kesan sporty. Selain itu, mobil ini memiliki tampilan samping yang menarik dan dengan garis bodi yang kokoh. Walaupun ada perbedaan di bagian luar, mobil ini tetap menawarkan tampilan yang menarik meski dengan trim level yang lebih murah. Mobil ini juga dilengkapi dengan lampu LED yang memberikan kesan modern. Namun, harganya cukup mahal, yakni sekitar £30.000. Untuk menemukan penawaran yang lebih baik, dapat menggunakan Carwow, yang mendapatkan diskon sekitar 600pounds.
Desain Interior
Interior Honda Civic 2022 menampilkan desain yang rapi dan sederhana. Material yang digunakan terlihat premium dan bersih. Sistem infotainment pun responsif, meskipun terdapat beberapa kekurangan pada layarnya. Namun, poin positifnya adalah adanya fitur Apple CarPlay dan Android Auto. Tangki bahan bakar juga didesain dengan pintar dan praktis untuk pengguna.
Keunggulan Honda Civic
Terdapat beberapa keunggulan Honda Civic yang dapat menjadi pertimbangan. Mobil ini memiliki empat mode regen, yaitu empat mode regeneratif yang mengubah energi kinetik menjadi energi listrik. Honda Civic juga dilengkapi dengan fitur selektif berkendara dan semua trim level varian juga dilengkapi dengan cruise control otomatis. Selain itu, mesin hybrid 2 liter juga cukup efisien.
Kelemahan Honda Civic
Meskipun memiliki berbagai keunggulan, sayangnya terdapat beberapa kekurangan pada mobil ini. Misalnya, wiper belakang yang terlalu kecil sehingga tidak mampu membersihkan seluruh kaca belakang. Honda juga hanya memberikan garansi tiga tahun, padahal pesaingnya memberikan garansi lima hingga tujuh tahun. Selain itu, fitur penundaan di pintu samping terlihat membosankan dan desain bagian transmisi terlalu rumit.
Performa Honda Civic
Pada bagian performa, Honda Civic mampu menarik perhatian dengan kemampuannya yang terbilang baik. Meskipun memiliki mesin hybrid, akselerasinya sangat cepat, bahkan di bawah tujuh detik untuk mencapai kecepatan 60 mil per jam. Mobil ini juga nyaman dalam mengatasi rintangan jalan dan memiliki suara mesin yang khas meskipun tiruannya.
Terdapat banyak keunggulan yang dimiliki oleh Honda Civic 2022, meskipun terdapat beberapa kekurangan. Sehingga, mobil kompak ini layak dipertimbangkan dengan berbagai fitur unggulannya. Dengan demikian, Honda Civic 2022 adalah mobil yang layak dipertimbangkan terutama untuk platfoma travel sehari-hari konsumen.
Dengan begitu, Honda Civic 2022 merupakan pilihan yang cukup menarik untuk dipertimbangkan terutama untuk kegiatan sehari-hari. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat untuk anda. Terima kasih telah membaca. Dan semoga anda menikmati kegiatan menyimak informasi seputar mobil ini.
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Describe the looks of the new Civic in ONE word!
Wife had a 2022 civic sport here in Canada. Traded a 2019 accord to save a few $ a month. It was ok, but not great in our winters even with winter tires. Looked at upgrading to a suv but the price of Hondas have skyrocketed here in Canada. Checked out the crv and hrv. Now own a Corolla cross hybrid. Between myself and the wife we had ten Hondas over the years. I myself drive a rav4 now.
I can't get over the fact it looks dented from the front. No go this one.
So what's their best car with a higher up seating position (SUV)
the annoying britbong accent killed this vid for me
the exterior look of the discontinued Honda Insight looks much better, To me the civic looks a bit Meh….
Love the overall interior design though, but the protruding screen is a huge eyesore
Boy I really don't like having push buttons as the shifter. Either put it on the steering column or make a knob in the center console
It's good for small women, taller men like myself feel cramped. Just looked at one yesterday, sat down and thought absolutely not. Otherwise, it's a nice car.
can you review the new 2024 civic touring? also this one has a 'turbo' 1.5ltr engine, are they now reliable?
Late comment, but you can turn on wireless android auto by tinkering with the system!
the 3 year warranty is crap
I really don't like the cvt transmission
Like :
Silhouette shape
Engine and power train
Handling and comfort
Engineering and technology
Dislike :
Fake vents and diffuser
Fake engine noise
Gauge display and center console
Gear selector buttons
I would need a test drive to make up my mind.
Just bought one of these. I'm 6 foot 4. Didn't buy the top spec because the sunroof costs you 3 inches of head room in the back seat so got the sport model.
This car is very overpriced
Most reviewers don't talk about the Spaciousness for a compact sedan like the civic, this is the only car with best leg room in its class. Nothing even comes close. In comparison Mazda 3, Toyota corolla feel smaller
Great editing there. Very funny.😁
Im getting the 2015 model 1.5 petrol.. Dont like Evs… dont want to support that neither! Awesome video and lots fun also 😂 thx 🙏
Hands down who knows how this car drives?? I have no clue 😂😅…
Your reviews are always thorough and to the point.👍
Why this obsession with USBC ports? 90% of people have tech with USBA ports, unless you have bought something in the last 6 months the vast majority will welcome the fact they are the so-called old style.
I love my 2022 Honda Civic Sport Touring hatchback. Best Civic I’ve ever owned. Only downside is the numerous Honda Sensing issues. I’m sure I’m not the only one.
Didn’t say the😂🎉
Why would they make the hybrid a right hand drive that’s weird. It’s going to make it really weird for a lot of us in the United😂
No spare wheel – not even any space to store an after-market purchase one? Sorry but that’s essential.
Swapped over a BMW G20 to this and i did appreciate it. Cant compare brands, designs vs good reliability. thats all we want in a good car
love the front end, but man. i wish the rear took more from the new accord. those long LED tails are beautiful.
In other words, its power train is a bit like a Seiko Kinetic watch!
Yo mat you should watch carnversations although they speak a little bit of Swahili
My only question is: can you tune it?
Within the settings you can actually unlock wireless android auto. Not sure why its disabled as standard. I cN vouch it works which means you can use the wireless charger while on wirless android auto 👌🏻
Only honda🇯🇵
What color is that
Civic vs model3 higland ?
tt à fait
elle est pltôt super
ms 1 peu cher
Civic. Vs model3 higland ?
I am used to driving SUVs . When my suv got bumped and landed in claim i borrowed my father's civic.
I just love it. It is so so smooth to drive the pickup is so smooth. You feel like a snake while zipping past the cars.
Due to sudden surge in crossovers and suvs in my county. It is sad to see people missing out on this absolute beauty of a car.
I decided to keep it a little longer and exchanged it with my father. It is an aboslute joy to drive this car.
The UK has a hybrid Civic the US doesn’t have that which is good for us imo
2:55 wtf?
i think sound insulation is very bad for this car
It works in the same way as a diesel electric train, like HST ( Class 43). Fuel run engine powering electric motors
This car cannot be unlocked if the battery dies do not buy it
What happen to honda and bmw designs 😭
I like the old one😢
1. Prefer the previous model, just looks better 2. a hybrid battery car has no attraction for me I'm afraid so wont be buying another civic, which is a shame as I have owned 8 civics, 2 preludes and 1 CRV! 3. playing engine sounds is embarrassing! Why bother doing that? 4. way over complicated drive system and so much more to go wrong 5. 50 MPG is pants, i get that from both my sport plus and my old 8th gen 2.2 CDTI! and 6. lastly THE PRICE – way over the mark
I just bought the 11th Gen ho da civic base model no options cause I'm a broke boy but it was still 32k Canadian
Is new 2023 Honda Civic sedan Touring (with 1.5T engine) a good car to buy? How long can it last?
Does anyone happen to know why this specific Honda civic has such a large sunroof in comparison to the ones sold in the US?