
Ulasan Lexus LBX Terbaru – Mengapa Mobil Hybrid Ini Luar Biasa! | What Car?

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Lexus LBX: Kendaraan SUV Kecil Terbaru yang Berbeda dari Para Saingannya

Lexus LBX merupakan salah satu mobil SUV kecil terbaru yang berbeda dari saingannya. Di tengah pasar yang penuh dengan pilihan, LBX menonjol karena merupakan satu-satunya SUV kecil dengan merek premium dan setelan hybrid. Dibandingkan dengan saingannya, LBX memiliki bagian yang besar dari Toyota Aris cross. Namun, interiornya memiliki tampilan yang elegan dengan desain yang minimalis dan kontrol fisik untuk AC dan knob volume. Layar infotainment sentuh 9.8 inchi memberikan kemudahan dalam penggunaannya, dan juga dilengkapi dengan Apple CarPlay nirkabel dan Android Auto yang dihubungkan secara kabel.

Meskipun interior mobil ini fantastis, ruang bagasi pada varian front-wheel drive memiliki kapasitas 402 L, sedangkan varian four-wheel drive memiliki kapasitas 317 L. LBX juga menggunakan setup hybrid yang dioptimalkan untuk meningkatkan performa, ketenangan, dan efisiensi dibandingkan dengan Toyota Yaris Cross. Dengan kecepatan dari 0-62 mph dalam 9.2 detik, LBX memiliki performa yang lebih baik dibandingkan Yaris Cross.

LBX juga diakui memiliki tenaga yang baik saat berkendara di kota dan memiliki tingkat efisiensi bahan bakar yang sangat baik, sekitar 62.7 mpg. Namun, saat digunakan pada kecepatan tinggi atau untuk percepatan tiba-tiba, transmisi CVT nya dapat membuat suara mesin terdengar cukup keras.

Mobil ini memiliki empat varian trim yang berbeda: Urban, Premium, Premium Plus, dan Premium Plus Design. Dengan harga yang bersaing dan dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur yang bagus, Lexus LBX menjadi pilihan menarik untuk ditinjau lebih lanjut. Lexus juga dikenal sebagai produsen mobil yang andal, dan LBX dilengkapi dengan sistem keselamatan yang baik, seperti pengereman darurat otomatis, cruise control adaptif, dan Lane keep assist.

LBX telah dipilih sebagai mobil tahun 2024 oleh, dan dengan berbagai keunggulan yang dimilikinya, mobil ini layak untuk dijadikan pilihan sebagai mobil SUV kecil yang berkualitas.

Apakah Lexus LBX sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda? Cek situs untuk mendapatkan penawaran terbaik untuk mobil Anda selanjutnya!


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Responses (49)

  1. Toyota appears to be dumbing down Lexus. When introduced in the late 80,s Lexus seemed to be Mercedes, Rolls level. Now, they're just boutique rebadged Toyota Yaris, etc. I'm not sure why they're doing this, to be honest!

  2. This car is coming to Australia. For us it might be a choice between this car and a Honda HRV hybrid. I’d imagine the price of these two cars will be around the same price, just under $50k in Australia. The interior of the Honda and the back seats are really nice and high quality. It might come down to the Honda having a 4 cylinder engine while this Lexus has a 3 cylinder engine.

  3. What an impressive vehicle! Lexus has truly excelled in designing cars that maneuver smoothly through small streets and tight spaces. Renowned globally for its top-tier luxury, Lexus has embarked on an incredible journey, achieving numerous awards and accolades over the decades.

  4. If this is the best new car in the last 12 months then that informs us how bad new cars are. Car of the Year 2024? You can't be serious! Best small crossover…maybe. But for what it is, IMO it's overpriced. Objectively, it's a very compromised car and the quality isn't up to Lexus' usual standards. IMO, Lexus is undermining the brand with this car, and What Car? is seriously undermining its credibility with this review and COTY award. I am fully aware that I am in the minority — maybe a minority of one — but I'm saying what needs to be said. The majority is never right, and you know they won't put their money where their mouths are.

  5. Why carry an extra Emotor to an already heavy ICE engine? Emotor only good for 40miles, once it's out of juice, the ICE got to carry that extra load wasting even more fuel. The Emotor takes hours to recharge or more like forever. A standard full EV makes far more sense. Besides Toyota keeps lying about its battery power.

  6. Do we have this car in US??? Lemme check…Nope. Looks to European for American market
    Is not a bad lookin car…here in US I think folks will buy this small Lexus instead of buying a mini coupe or one of the Korean brands.

  7. I have tried a number of Toyota hybrids over the years as I sought to escape from the near lethal gearbox in my Auris. I liked the cars, but couldn’t live with the underpowered and noisy CVT/Atkinson setups. Then I tried a a few EVs, and then a Tesla, game over. Now if Toyota made an EV version of LBX, I would sign up blind, but no Toyota have made it a matter of principle not to compete in the EV market place, leaving the market wide open to the Chinese. And having now seen what’s coming out of China, Smart (Merc), Seeker, BYD etc in this segment size, it will be too late by the time they do.

  8. 3:21 For these reviews to have any credibility you should show how easy ( or difficult) it is to operate the touch screen without taking your eyes off the road while driving NOT when the vehicle is stationary.
    The head up display can replace the distracting central touch screen for key functions when driving and should be emphasised more

  9. Had a 2020 RAV4 hybrid,comfy but terrible bouncy handling/road holding…..great hybrid but just couldn't get over that bulbous feeling,
    That's coming from my old Lexus GS300 MK2….. sublime but 20 years old.
    Bought a 2023 Toyota corolla hybrid estate with the mk 5 hybrid system.
    What a transformation , super economy, outstanding road control, terrific suspension damping and exceedingly quiet…..except when heavy on the go peddle.
    Totally chuffed with this purchase!!!??!
    Don't believe that that Lexus compares….. especially on space or price and the Toyota corolla quality is top notch!!!!!
    Can fit 4 adults ,luggage and a dog in here,in comfort and it doesn't drive any different than when only 2 in it !!!!!!!!!!

  10. Good review. It does look nice, and economy in the 60s is impressive. But car of the year? Already? I don’t see how it’s ’moved the game on’. Just a nice little SUV from what I can see here

  11. Nice looking car but that CVT transmission is the same as in the new Toyota Corolla, it's awful, like driving a 1980 escort 1100 with a slipping clutch, as said in the review it's at home on light throttle around town but on a cross country drive with a few medium hills that drone from the engine is not a pleasant sound every time you give it a little throttle. It's also sluggish pulling out when you need to be quick.

  12. I'm envious of the cool small, fun – practical – SUVs and hatchbacks that you get in the UK and Europe – we get absurd, gigantic trucks that no one needs.

  13. The Range Rover Evoque should float my boat, small luxury and able to handle me being a nob with it off road. However its too big and unreliable with a silly interior. This fixes all the issues I have with the Evoque…. Sign me up!

  14. It is good news that in the new interior design, there is no trace of the monitor above the dashboard. The top of the dashboard should be empty and the monitor should fit inside the dashboard.

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