Ulasan Mercedes A-Class terbaru: Lebih baik dari BMW 1 Series? Temukan perbandingannya disini!

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Revisi Terbaru Mercedes A-Class: Apa yang Perlu Anda Tahu

Perubahan pada Desain Luar dan Harga

Mengenai desain, Mercedes A-Class mengalami perubahan dengan penambahan lampu LED yang memberikan tampilan yang menarik. Namun, harga yang ditawarkan sebesar £32,000 tergolong tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan BMW Seri 1 yang dijual dengan harga £28,000. Beberapa perubahan juga terjadi pada bagian lampu dan bumper, serta fitur tambahan untuk varian AMG Line.

Perubahan di Interior Mobil

Mercedes A-Class juga mengalami perubahan di bagian interiornya, termasuk layar infotainment yang lebih besar dan pembaruan pada setirnya. Meski begitu, terdapat beberapa kekurangan pada bagian material dan fitur yang terkesan tidak fungsional.

Kenyamanan dan Kapasitas Bagasi

Dengan tinggi yang dapat diatur, posisi duduk yang nyaman, dan kenyamanan ruang bagasi, Mercedes A-Class menawarkan kenyamanan dan fungsionalitas bagi penggunanya. Namun, kapasitas bagasinya yang sedikit lebih kecil daripada pesaingnya, yaitu 350 liter, serta ketidakmampuan untuk mengatur ketinggian lantai bagasi, bisa menjadi kendala bagi sebagian orang.

Performa dan Kemudahan Berkendara

Mercedes A-Class menawarkan kemudahan dalam berkendara di dalam kota dengan visibilitas yang baik. Meski begitu, suspensi konvensional yang dimilikinya memberikan sedikit perbedaan performa jika dibandingkan dengan pesaingnya yang mengusung suspensi independen. Meski begitu, performa mesinnya dapat diandalkan dengan rata-rata konsumsi bahan bakar sebesar 39 miles per gallon.

Kesimpulan dan Kelebihan Mercedes A-Class

Meskipun tidak sempurna, Mercedes A-Class merupakan pilihan yang baik untuk mobil keluarga kecil. Dengan penawaran fitur-fitur yang baik, performa mesin yang handal, dan kenyamanan dalam berkendara, mobil ini layak untuk dipertimbangkan.


Revisi terbaru Mercedes A-Class menawarkan sejumlah perubahan pada tampilan dan performa mobil. Meski memiliki kekurangan, namun mobil ini masih layak dipertimbangkan untuk mobil keluarga kecil dengan fitur-fitur yang mumpuni. Dengan harga yang cukup tinggi, namun secara keseluruhan, Mercedes A-Class merupakan pilihan yang layak untuk dipertimbangkan.


Ringkasan Mercedes A-Class yang baru-baru ini direvisi adalah bahwa mobil ini menawarkan akses termurah ke kepemilikan Mercedes, walaupun bukan mobil termurah. Di dalam video ini, pembicara akan menjelaskan pembaruan, perubahan, dan upgrade yang dilakukan oleh Mercedes, mulai dari eksterior, interior, hingga test drive. Mobil ini memiliki peningkatan desain dan fitur interior, meskipun memiliki beberapa kekurangan seperti kenyamanan, kualitas material, dan kekurangan space untuk barang.

Apakah Anda setuju dengan penilaian tersebut? Apakah Anda tertarik untuk membeli Mercedes A-Class? Apa pendapat Anda tentang fitur-fitur mobil ini? Berikan pendapat Anda di kolom komentar di bawah! Jangan lupa juga untuk mengekspresikan jika Anda setuju atau tidak dengan penilaian dari pembicara. Jika Anda ingin melihat lebih banyak video, Anda dapat mengklik tautan yang disediakan. Terima kasih telah menonton dan memberikan pandangan Anda!

Apakah Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau pendapat tentang mobil ini? Yuk bagikan di kolom komentar!

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Responses (47)

  1. I have one of these and Matt is spot on, that missing roof hand hold is making my wife hate this car, passenger position for a shorter person is awful. Doesn't help that she never wanted this car in the first place.
    And for the augmented directions, they would be great if the directions were good but Mercedes sat nav looks the business but directions are rubbish!
    Seats are pretty hard and uncomfortable. But its a great small/big car

  2. The rear diffuser actually contributes to the aerodynamics by reducing drag at higher speeds, the A-class have a relatively flat floor for that reason. That’s why its Cx is one of the best in the market.
    Hope that helps.

  3. In what woorld are 17 " rims to small? Car testers complains of the hard suspension on many cars but they also prize big rims. Why not be a little sensible? Big rims give a harder ride, more rumble noise, more vibration, more problems on water at the road during high speed, more expensive. Just unintillegent by other words.

  4. how is 17 inch wheels too small for a small car?
    I remember when small cars like honda civic had R13 wheels as standard. Or Peugeot 307 R15 as standard. How is R17 too small for small car?

  5. Mat Watson never mentions it but the reason OEMs remove functionalities to the screen is because they can use less computer chips – a big issue since the shortage that cost them lots of money

  6. The 2023 Mercedes A-Class that I drive (along with many others!) has a fundamental flaw with the rear camera flap. When the car slows to under 15mph the rear camera flap opens (sounding like the central locking system engaging), it closes again when it reaches 20mph. The problem is, it continues to do this for the duration of the drive unless you can drive between 15mph and 20mph in straight line for around about 200 metres (I kid you not). It does this EVERY TIME you start the car. A number of disgruntled A Class drivers have taken their cars to the service depot assuming this is a fault, but sadly Mercedes say this is how the car should function. If you're happy to drive a car that has the noise of a central locking engaging every time you accelerate and decelerate then you'll be fine…but I'm yet to meet anyone that can tolerate this!

  7. Test driving I found those fixed headrests in Mercs are really annoying, keep tapping you in the back of the head. In your vid I can see your head touching them in normal driving, they are curved too far forwards.

  8. I recently bought a 2023 A180 and also looked the the Golf, BMW 1, Audi A3 and Mazda 3. I am mainly interested in looks inside and out and seat comfort. The Golf felt comfortable but totally boring to look at. Didn’t like the look of the Mazda. Really didn’t like the look of the BMW. The Audi looks good, maybe the best, but I wasn’t impressed with the interior quality and the lack of seat lumbar adjustment. I think the A class looks less sporty than the Audi but I’m not overly bothered about sporty looks and think it looks classy – I also own a C class cabriolet so am already a Mercedes fan. The A class is especially good looking inside and has a nice mix of interesting, good quality materials and great seats. The A180 is easily powerful enough for me and I’m averaging around 50mpg so far although I have seen up to 65mph on a longer run (I use Eco all of the time). The steering wheel controls are OK but not as good as the proper buttons in my C class. Touchscreens are not that easy to use on the move and there is no way I am talking to a car. As it happens I don’t have much use for the touchscreen on the move other than the satnav as I don’t listen to music or the radio or connect my phone. Overall I think it is a great car apart from an issue I have with the rear camera continually opening and closing at low speed every time you start the car. Mercedes say this is not a fault and the camera is now programmed to calibrate itself every time the car is started by opening and closing multiple times – noisy and annoying.

  9. In the list of five good things about the A class Matt mentions the pop out reversing camera. I think the camera should be at the top of the list of annoying things about this car as I have found that it automatically opens when you get below 16mph then closes again when you get back up to 20mph. It will do this every single time you start the car up and will do it around 4-5 times in my car then stops although I have heard that on some cars it can do this continually. This creates a noise much like the central locking operating so is quite noisy and very annoying when it is happening over and over again – every time you start the car remember. I have been in contact with the dealer then Mercedes direct and have been advised that this is not a fault and that this is now the intended operation of the A class as the camera is going through a calibration process. I just cannot understand why the camera has to calibrate itself in such a noisy manner every time the car is started. Did you not notice this on your test car? I have started contacting car magazines to see if anyone can pick this up as, at the moment Mercedes re not interested in addressing this.

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