Apa yang Terjadi pada Deposisi Elon Musk yang Tidak Dia Ingin Anda Ketahui: Momen Terbaik yang Menarik Perhatian


**Elon Musk’s Deposition Reveals Interesting Details**
Elon Musk’s recent deposition, which was made public in a transcript published by HuffPost, provided insight into the owner of X. The deposition, involving heated exchanges between Musk, his lawyer, and the plaintiff, delved into various aspects of Musk’s life, not just his tweets on the X platform.

**Wide-Ranging Topics Explored**
The deposition, related to Musk’s tweets on X and a lawsuit filed by a 22-year-old Jewish man named Ben Brody, touched on different facets of Musk’s life. Brody alleges that Musk contributed to a conspiracy theory about him, leading to a detailed questioning session by Brody’s attorney, Mark Bankston, lasting nearly two hours.

**Confirmation of Alt Accounts**
During the deposition, Musk confirmed the existence of his strange alt accounts on X, shedding light on his social media behavior. Despite attempts by his lawyer, Alex Spiro, to keep certain information confidential during the deposition, the details were eventually made public this week.

**Insightful Revelations**
Musk revealed that he had never read Walter Isaacson’s biography about him, showing a lack of interest in his own portrayal in literature. Additionally, Musk admitted that his actions may have caused more financial harm than good to the X platform, suggesting a level of self-awareness about his impact.

**Quotes from the Deposition**
– “I’ve never read the biography.” – Elon Musk
– “I may have done more financial harm than good.” – Elon Musk

**Heated Exchanges and Zoom Drama**
The deposition was not without its fair share of contentious moments, with Musk, often referred to as “A” or “WITNESS” in the transcript, engaging in heated exchanges with those present. These exchanges, which occurred over Zoom, added a dramatic element to the proceedings.

**Best Moments from Elon Musk’s Deposition**
The deposition captured some of the most revealing moments about Musk’s use of the X platform and other aspects of his life. From confirming the existence of alt accounts to acknowledging potential financial missteps, Musk’s responses provided a glimpse into the mindset of the tech mogul.

Elon Musk’s deposition shed light on various aspects of his life and behavior, with insights into his social media presence on the X platform and reflections on his impact. The deposition, marked by heated exchanges and revealing quotes, offered a glimpse into the inner workings of one of the most prominent figures in the tech industry.


Deposisi terbaru Elon Musk, yang dipublikasikan dalam transkrip oleh HuffPost pada hari Senin, mengungkapkan detail menarik tentang pemilik X. Deposisi tersebut juga mencakup pertukaran nada yang panas antara Musk, pengacaranya, dan penggugat. Transkrip sepanjang 108 halaman tersebut membahas berbagai topik tentang kehidupan Musk, termasuk tuitnya di platform X yang terkait dengan Ben Brody, seorang pria Yahudi yang menggugatnya.

Apakah Anda tertarik untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang kontroversi yang melibatkan Elon Musk dan Ben Brody? Bagaimana pendapat Anda tentang isi transkrip deposisi Musk yang baru dirilis? Mari berikan pendapat Anda tentang kisah ini dan bagikan pandangan Anda tentang penggunaan platform X oleh Elon Musk dan aspek lain dari kehidupannya.

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