Mahasiswa Virginia Tech berusia 20 tahun dilaporkan hilang setelah menghilang pada Jumat

20-year-old Virginia Tech student reported missing after vanishing Friday

Missing Virginia Tech Student: Search for Johnny Roop Lost in a Mysterious Mystery

Virginia Tech student Johnny Roop, 20, has fallen off the grid as of Friday, with no evidence of his whereabouts since. He was last sighted at his apartment complex in Merrimac on that fateful day, according to the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office.

Concerns about Roop’s sudden disappearance arose when he failed to show up at his parents’ home in Abingdon by 5 p.m. as planned. The university has confirmed that he was supposed to take an online exam around that time, which he also missed. His friends and family members expressed worries due to his sudden vanishing act, as he is known to prioritize his responsibilities.

Mysterious Disappearance

On the day of his disappearance, Roop’s phone was last detected near the New River Valley Mall by 4:26 p.m. Although the reason behind his presence there remains a mystery. Being 6’3″ tall with blond hair and hazel eyes and driving a black 2018 Toyota Camry with a Virginia license plate of “TXW6643”, Roop’s last whereabouts have sparked concerns from those close to him.

Isaac Childress, a childhood friend, emphasized that Roop was not the type to disappear without a trace. He described Roop as a family man and a very responsible individual. His absence has raised flags among his peers and circles.

Anxiety Over Mysterious Circumstances

Roop’s mother, in a now-deleted Facebook post, indicated that his phone had been inactive for at least two days – a highly unusual occurrence. This has fueled the fear and concerns of his loved ones, who have banded together in hopes of finding him. Childress expressed his unease at the puzzling nature of the occurrence, raising questions about the time and location of his last known whereabouts.

The authorities are reaching out to the public and are requesting anyone who might have information about Roop’s disappearance or who may have spotted his vehicle to contact the investigators at the Montogomery County Sheriff’s Office at 540-382-4343. This plea for help underscores the urgency of the situation, as local law enforcement tries its best to locate Roop.

As the authorities dedicate their efforts to finding Roop, everyone is hopeful for his safe return. The community’s prayers and positive wishes are directed at Roop and his family as they confront this troubling and baffling ordeal. The mystery surrounding his disappearance weighs heavily on the hearts of his loved ones.


Seorang mahasiswa Virginia Tech berusia 20 tahun dilaporkan hilang setelah tiba-tiba menghilang pada hari Jumat dan belum terlihat sejak saat itu. John Roop terakhir terlihat di kompleks apartemennya di Merrimac pada Jumat, dan diharapkan tiba di rumah orang tuanya di Abingdon sebelum pukul 5 sore untuk mengikuti ujian online.

Roop memiliki rambut pirang dan mata hazel, serta tingginya mencapai 6’3 “. Dia mengemudi mobil Toyota Camry hitam 2018 dengan nomor plat Virginia “TXW6643” dan stiker Virginia Tech di jendela belakang. Pihak berwenang telah meminta siapa pun yang melihat kendaraannya atau memiliki informasi tentang kepergiannya untuk menghubungi penyelidiknya.

Apakah Anda pernah mengalami situasi di mana seseorang yang Anda kenal tiba-tiba menghilang? Apa yang akan Anda lakukan jika Anda menyadari seseorang seperti teman atau anggota keluarga telah hilang? Bagikan pikiran dan pengalaman Anda di bagian komentar di bawah ini.


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