Mengapa Mercedes-AMG G63 adalah Mobil Paling Boros?

The Mercedes-AMG G63 Is the Least Energy-Efficient Car You Can Buy

**Table of Contents:**

1. Mercedes-AMG G63 Tops ACEEE’s “Meanest List”
2. Factors Considered in Determining Environmental Impact
3. Other Vehicles on the “Meanest List”
4. Environmental Impact of SUVs and Trucks
5. Greenest Cars of 2024
6. Importance of Energy Efficiency in Vehicles
7. Implications for Luxury Vehicle Buyers
8. Moving Towards a Greener Future

**1. Mercedes-AMG G63 Tops ACEEE’s “Meanest List”**

Mercedes-AMG G63 has been ranked as the least energy-efficient vehicle in the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) annual study. The SUV, known for its luxury and power, received the lowest score of 20 out of 100 among 1,200 vehicles evaluated. This marks the seventh time the G63 has appeared on the list, highlighting its environmental impact.

**2. Factors Considered in Determining Environmental Impact**

The ACEEE study goes beyond fuel efficiency and considers emissions generated throughout a vehicle’s lifecycle. This includes upstream emissions from electricity use, mining for battery materials, and production of the vehicle and its components. Vehicles with higher “Green” scores are considered more environmentally friendly, while those with lower scores are deemed less efficient.

**3. Other Vehicles on the “Meanest List”**

Alongside the Mercedes-AMG G63, the GMC Hummer EV, Ram 1500 TRX 4×4, and Ford F-150 Raptor R also made it onto ACEEE’s “Meanest List.” SUVs and trucks dominated the list, showcasing the environmental impact of larger and more powerful vehicles. Even the electric GMC Hummer EV scored poorly due to its weight and energy consumption.

**4. Environmental Impact of SUVs and Trucks**

The prevalence of SUVs and trucks on the “Meanest List” highlights the challenges in reducing emissions from larger vehicles. These types of vehicles often have lower fuel efficiency and higher emissions, contributing significantly to environmental pollution. Manufacturers need to address these issues to improve the overall sustainability of their vehicle lineup.

**5. Greenest Cars of 2024**

In contrast to the “Meanest List,” the “greenest” car of 2024 was the hybrid Toyota Prius, followed by the Lexus RZ 300e and Mini Cooper SE. These vehicles demonstrated higher energy efficiency and lower emissions, making them more environmentally friendly choices for consumers. The shift towards hybrid and electric powertrains is essential for reducing the carbon footprint of the automotive industry.

**6. Importance of Energy Efficiency in Vehicles**

Energy efficiency plays a vital role in reducing the environmental impact of vehicles. By increasing fuel efficiency, utilizing alternative power sources, and minimizing emissions throughout production, automakers can create more sustainable and eco-friendly vehicles. Consumers can also contribute to this effort by choosing greener options when purchasing a new vehicle.

**7. Implications for Luxury Vehicle Buyers**

For luxury vehicle buyers, the environmental impact of their chosen vehicle should be a key consideration. While luxury cars and SUVs offer comfort and performance, they may lag behind in terms of energy efficiency and emissions. By opting for more eco-friendly models or supporting manufacturers with sustainable practices, buyers can make a positive impact on the environment.

**8. Moving Towards a Greener Future**

As the automotive industry evolves, there is a growing emphasis on sustainability and green technology. Manufacturers are developing electric and hybrid vehicles, improving fuel efficiency, and implementing eco-friendly production processes to reduce their carbon footprint. Consumers are also becoming more conscious of the environmental implications of their transportation choices, driving a shift towards greener vehicles.

In conclusion, the ACEEE’s “Meanest List” serves as a reminder of the environmental impact of vehicle choices and the need for greater energy efficiency in the automotive industry. By promoting greener options, supporting sustainable practices, and advocating for eco-friendly policies, we can work towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future.


Mercedes-AMG G63 telah masuk dalam daftar “Meanest List” yang dikeluarkan oleh American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) sebagai salah satu kendaraan paling boros energi di tahun 2024. Dibandingkan dengan kendaraan lainnya, AMG G63 mendapat skor terendah dengan dampak lingkungan yang signifikan. Penilaian ini tidak hanya memperhitungkan efisiensi bahan bakar, tetapi juga emisi yang dihasilkan dari listrik yang digunakan oleh kendaraan, proses pengolahan material baterai, dan produksi kendaraan beserta komponennya.

Selain AMG G63, beberapa kendaraan lain yang termasuk dalam daftar “Meanest List” adalah truk Ram 1500 TRX 4×4 dan Ford F-150 Raptor R. Apakah Anda tertarik untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang dampak lingkungan dari kendaraan bermotor ini? Apakah Anda memiliki pandangan atau pengalaman terkait efisiensi energi kendaraan yang ingin Anda bagikan? Silakan berikan komentar Anda di bawah!

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