Mercedes-Benz GLC 300 4MATIC Di-recall: Kejanggalan Deploi Airbag?

Mercedes-Benz GLC

Mercedes-Benz GLC 300 4MATIC Recall: The Details

Recall Information

Mercedes-Benz has issued a recall for a small number of its 300 4MATIC sport utility vehicles in the United States. The recall was initiated due to improperly torqued bolts in the dashboard area, which may lead to incorrect airbag deployment or even a separation of parts during a crash. Additionally, loose 12-volt electric auxiliary heater connections were also identified, which could potentially lead to fires in the vehicle. This presents a serious safety concern for owners of the affected vehicles.

Identification of Problems

The issues with the Mercedes GLC 300 4MATIC were initially identified in June 2023 during an internal production assessment. Abnormal noises coming from the glove compartment of a newly produced vehicle led to the discovery of improperly torqued bolt connections in the dashboard area. Further analysis revealed that a certain worker had incorrectly performed the rework process during a limited production timeframe. Subsequent steps were taken to address these issues and prevent any potential safety hazards for consumers.

Recall Process

Following the identification of the problems with the GLC 300 4MATIC, Mercedes-Benz took steps to remedy the situation. Workers were retrained in September 2023, and production records were reviewed through March 2024 to identify vehicles that may have been released to dealers with incorrectly torqued bolts. Fortunately, no such vehicles were found in the US market, leading to a limited recall population consisting of 2023 models produced between March and May 2023.

Inspection and Repair

Affected owners will be notified of the recall, and dealers will inspect and tighten the bolts to the correct torque values at no charge to customers. The recall process is set to begin on July 15, with owner notifications to be mailed by September 6. To check if your GLC 300 4MATIC is part of the recall, you can use Mercedes’ VIN look-up tool on their website or visit the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s recall portal.

Vehicle Information

The Mercedes-Benz GLC 300 4MATIC is a mid-size luxury sport utility vehicle with a starting price of $49,450. It features a mild-hybrid turbo inline-four engine producing 255 horsepower and 295 pound-feet of torque. The vehicle offers all-wheel drive and can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in 6.2 seconds. Despite the recall, the GLC 300 4MATIC remains a popular choice for luxury SUV buyers.


In conclusion, the recall of the Mercedes-Benz GLC 300 4MATIC serves as a reminder of the importance of vehicle safety and quality control. The issues identified with the dashboard bolts and electric auxiliary heater connections could pose serious risks to drivers and passengers if left unaddressed. As such, affected owners are urged to take prompt action to have their vehicles inspected and repaired by authorized dealers. By following the recall process outlined by Mercedes-Benz, owners can ensure the safety and reliability of their vehicles for years to come.

Pertanyaan Umum

1. Apa yang menyebabkan recall Mercedes-Benz GLC generasi kedua di Amerika Serikat?
Jawaban: Karena adanya baut yang kurang terpasang dengan sempurna di area dashboard dan koneksi pemanas listrik tambahan 12-volt yang longgar.

2. Bagaimana Mercedes-Benz mengidentifikasi masalah pada kendaraan tersebut?
Jawaban: Awalnya dimulai dari evaluasi produksi internal pada bulan Juni 2023, ketika baut yang digunakan untuk memperkuat modul airbag penumpang depan tidak terpasang dengan benar.

3. Apa yang dilakukan pabrikan setelah menemukan masalah tersebut?
Jawaban: Pabrikan melakukan kampanye perbaikan pabrik untuk menindaklanjuti temuan baut yang terpasang tidak semestinya di area dashboard.

4. Kapan pabrikan ini mulai melatih ulang para pekerja?
Jawaban: Para pekerja mulai dilatih ulang pada bulan September 2023.

5. Apa yang harus dilakukan oleh dealer terkait recall ini?
Jawaban: Dealer harus memeriksa dan mengencangkan baut dengan nilai torsi yang benar tanpa biaya tambahan bagi pelanggan yang terkena dampak.


Mercedes-Benz GLC generasi kedua harus menghadapi recall di Amerika Serikat. Sejumlah kecil kendaraan SUV 300 4MATIC memiliki baut yang terlalu longgar di area dasbor akibat deviasi proses perbaikan di pabrik, yang merupakan masalah besar. Baut yang terlalu longgar ini dapat menyebabkan penempelan airbag yang salah atau bahkan pemisahan bagian selama kecelakaan, meningkatkan risiko cedera. Bagaimana Mercedes-Benz mengidentifikasi masalah ini dan apa langkah yang diambil untuk memperbaikinya?

Pada bulan September 2023, para pekerja telah menjalani pelatihan ulang. Produsen terus memeriksa catatan produksi dan dokumentasi perbaikan hingga Maret 2024 untuk mengidentifikasi kendaraan yang mungkin telah dilepas ke dealer dengan baut yang terlalu longgar. Tidak ditemukan kendaraan yang terpengaruh, namun pemilik model 2023 produksi antara Maret 2023 dan Mei 2023 di AS harus segera melakukan pemeriksaan di dealer. Bagaimana Anda menilai langkah yang diambil Mercedes-Benz dalam menghadapi masalah ini dan apakah Anda memiliki pengalaman serupa dengan recall mobil?

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