Mobil super yang berat 2 ton bukanlah mobil super

'A supercar that weighs 2 tonnes is no supercar'

# Table of Contents
– **Introduction**
– **The Beginning of McLaren Automotive**
– **Challenges Faced by McLaren**
– **Transformation and Future Plans**
– **Expanding Horizons: ‘Shared Performance’ Models**
– **The Future of Traditional McLarens**
– **Looking Towards the Future: EV Supercars**
– **Conclusion**

# Introduction
McLaren Automotive, known for its exceptional cars, was founded on a simple idea that promised a new car model every year for 12 years. Over time, the company has introduced various models and variants, staying true to its core architecture and high-performance standards. Despite its success with models like the P1, Senna, and 720S, McLaren faced challenges, including financial losses and a diminishing demand for certain models. The onset of COVID-19 exacerbated these issues, leading to an existential crisis for the company.

# The Beginning of McLaren Automotive
Ron Dennis, the visionary behind McLaren Automotive, laid down the foundation for the company’s model range based on a shared core architecture. Even after his departure, McLaren continued to build on this legacy, with models like the 750S maintaining the brand’s standards. However, the company encountered setbacks with models like the Elva and GT, leading to production cuts and financial strain.

# Challenges Faced by McLaren
The impact of COVID-19 on McLaren’s sales and workforce forced the company to make drastic decisions, including raising funds through asset mortgaging. The delayed launch of the Artura further added to McLaren’s woes, coupled with leadership changes and ongoing financial instability. Despite selling over 2,000 cars, McLaren reported significant losses, highlighting the need for a transformation.

# Transformation and Future Plans
Under the leadership of CEO Michael Leiters, McLaren has undergone organizational changes and ownership restructuring, aiming to become a sustainable company. Leiters emphasized the importance of focusing on the core business of supercars and ultimate cars while exploring opportunities for growth. The concept of ‘shared performance’ models emerged as a potential expansion strategy to reach a wider audience beyond McLaren’s current segment.

# Expanding Horizons: ‘Shared Performance’ Models
The idea of introducing a McLaren SUV or similar model for broader market appeal was hinted at by Leiters, signaling a shift towards collaboration with other manufacturers. While the potential partnership and platform remain under consideration, Leiters expressed a preference for a plug-in hybrid (PHEV) over a fully electric SUV. The emphasis on maintaining McLaren’s lightweight design philosophy and leveraging technology partnerships reflects the brand’s commitment to innovation.

# The Future of Traditional McLarens
McLaren’s transition to the MCLA platform for future models, including the replacement for the 750S, underscores the company’s commitment to evolving its core technology. The incorporation of a V8 PHEV powertrain in upcoming models, possibly including a successor to the P1 hypercar, indicates McLaren’s pursuit of unparalleled performance. Leiters emphasized the importance of balance between power output and drivability, hinting at potential enhancements in aerodynamics and powertrain controls.

# Looking Towards the Future: EV Supercars
In response to the industry shift towards electric vehicles (EVs), McLaren is exploring the development of an EV supercar with a focus on weight reduction and performance. Leiters emphasized the significance of achieving a lightweight EV supercar to maintain the brand’s agility and driving experience. Despite potential challenges in market acceptance, McLaren is poised to embrace the EV evolution and deliver a compelling, emotionally engaging product.

# Conclusion
McLaren Automotive’s journey towards sustainability and growth involves a strategic vision outlined by CEO Michael Leiters, emphasizing innovation, collaboration, and customer-oriented strategies. The company’s evolution from traditional supercars to EV supercars reflects its commitment to technological advancement and market responsiveness. As McLaren navigates the challenges of the automotive industry, it seeks to redefine performance standards, expand its product lineup, and secure its position as a leader in the luxury car segment.

Pertanyaan Umum

1. Apa yang menjadi ide dasar terciptanya McLaren Automotive?
– Ide dasar tercipta McLaren Automotive adalah untuk memiliki produk baru setiap tahun, baik itu turunan dari model yang sudah ada maupun model baru.

2. Siapa CEO McLaren yang baru setelah Mike Flewitt mengundurkan diri pada tahun 2021?
– CEO McLaren yang baru setelah Mike Flewitt mengundurkan diri pada tahun 2021 adalah Michael Leiters.

3. Apa yang menjadi fokus pertama McLaren di masa depan menurut Michael Leiters?
– Menurut Michael Leiters, fokus pertama McLaren di masa depan adalah mengembangkan bisnis inti perusahaan, yaitu supercar dan ultimate cars.

4. Apa yang akan McLaren lakukan untuk memperluas dan memperbesar jajaran produknya di masa depan?
– McLaren berencana untuk mengembangkan model-model “shared performance” yang dapat dinikmati oleh lebih banyak orang, dengan potensi untuk mengejar pasar SUV.

5. Apa yang menjadi target berat McLaren untuk supercar listrik yang sedang mereka kembangkan?
– McLaren berfokus pada pengurangan berat mobil supercar listrik yang akan mereka buat agar mendekati berat PHEV seperti Artura yang 1.500kg.


McLaren Automotive didirikan dengan konsep sederhana meskipun mobilnya memiliki keistimewaan. Dibawah kepemimpinan Ron Dennis, McLaren berencana merilis produk baru setiap tahun. Namun, meski McLaren telah menghasilkan produk luar biasa, perusahaan juga mengalami masalah besar seperti krisis selama pandemi COVID-19.

Menariknya, McLaren telah merencanakan untuk memperluas jajaran mobilnya dengan model ‘shared performance’, yang hampir merupakan SUV. Bagaimana McLaren akan menghadapi tantangan ini dan apakah rencananya bisa mencapai kesuksesan? Apakah Anda berpikir mobil McLaren akan berhasil dalam era mobil listrik di masa depan? Komentarlah di bawah!

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