Polisi Mangaluru ‘Garuk’ Bis Manjah Tinggi dan Klakson Ngekek

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The Problem of High-Beam Lights on Buses in Mangaluru

Mangaluru, Jul 3: The Mangaluru city police, in conjunction with the Mangaluru traffic police, recently took action against buses using high-beam lights on July 3, at Lalbagh, Mangaluru. This crackdown resulted in the filing of 96 cases against offenders, highlighting the severity of the issue. The joint efforts of both the city police and traffic police aim to address this problem effectively, with two special drives planned for the entire month of July.

The Root of the Issue: A Growing Concern for Road Safety

Alok Kumar, additional director general of police (traffic and road safety), Karnataka, expressed concerns about the use of high-beam lights on vehicles. While there is no concrete data linking high-beam lights to accidents, he emphasized the potential risks associated with these bright lights. Kumar’s statement underscores the need for proactive measures to prevent accidents caused by glaring headlights on buses and other vehicles.

Special Drive Against Glaring Headlights: A Step Towards Road Safety

The Karnataka state police has announced a special drive against high-beam lights and glaring vehicle headlights, scheduled to begin in July. Drivers found using such lights will be booked under section 177 of the Indian Motor Vehicles Act. This move comes in response to the observation that bright lights can increase the likelihood of accidents, particularly during night time. By enforcing stricter penalties, authorities hope to deter drivers from using high-beam lights irresponsibly.

Impact on Public Safety: Insights from Law Enforcement

Police officials in Karnataka recognize the importance of addressing the issue of high-beam lights on buses and other vehicles. By cracking down on offenders and enforcing relevant laws, authorities aim to improve road safety and reduce the risk of accidents caused by bright headlights. Alok Kumar’s statement serves as a reminder of the potential dangers associated with excessive use of high-beam lights, prompting the need for stricter regulations and enforcement.

Statistics and Case Studies: Shedding Light on the Problem

According to recent data, 96 cases were filed against buses for using high-beam lights in Mangaluru. This statistic highlights the prevalence of the issue and the urgent need for intervention. By seizing shrill horns and penalizing drivers who violate traffic regulations, law enforcement agencies are sending a strong message against the misuse of high-beam lights. These actions aim to create awareness among drivers and promote responsible behavior on the roads.

Public Awareness Campaigns: Educating Drivers on Road Safety

In addition to enforcement measures, public awareness campaigns play a crucial role in addressing the issue of high-beam lights on buses. By educating drivers about the risks associated with glaring headlights and promoting the importance of following traffic regulations, authorities can instill a sense of responsibility among road users. Through targeted initiatives and outreach programs, the community can be mobilized to support efforts towards safer roads.

Community Engagement and Support: Collaborating for Safer Roads

Creating a safer road environment requires active participation from the community. By engaging with stakeholders, such as bus operators, drivers, and passengers, authorities can build collaboration and support for road safety initiatives. Encouraging feedback and participation from the public can also help in identifying key areas of concern and devising effective solutions to mitigate risks associated with high-beam lights on buses.

Building a Culture of Road Safety: A Collective Responsibility

In conclusion, addressing the issue of high-beam lights on buses in Mangaluru requires a collective effort from law enforcement agencies, drivers, and the public. By working together towards a common goal of enhancing road safety and reducing accidents, significant progress can be made in creating a culture of responsible driving practices. Through sustained enforcement, awareness campaigns, and community engagement, the road safety landscape in Mangaluru can be transformed for the better.


Kepolisian kota Mangaluru, bersama dengan polisi lalu lintas Mangaluru, telah mendaftarkan 96 kasus terhadap bus yang menggunakan lampu high-beam pada Rabu, 3 Juli, di Lalbagh, Mangaluru. Mereka juga telah memulai dua operasi khusus untuk menangani masalah ini sepanjang bulan Juli. Selama operasi, banyak bus diberhentikan untuk diperiksa, dan klakson yang keras juga disita.

Sebelum kejadian ini, Alok Kumar, direktur jenderal kepolisian tambahan (lalu lintas dan keselamatan jalan), Karnataka, menyoroti, “Kita tidak bisa dengan pasti mengatakan apakah lampu high-beam menyebabkan kecelakaan karena itu tidak tercatat sebagai alasan kecelakaan. Namun, ini tentu merupakan kemungkinan.” Kepolisian negara bagian Karnataka akan melaksanakan operasi khusus terhadap lampu high-beam dan lampu kendaraan yang terang mulai bulan Juli, memberlakukan hukuman kepada pengemudi berdasarkan Pasal 177 Undang-Undang Kendaraan Bermotor India. Bagaimana pendapat pembaca tentang langkah-langkah ini? Apakah menurut Anda langkah-langkah tersebut efektif untuk mengurangi risiko kecelakaan lalu lintas? Silakan berikan komentar dan pendapat Anda di bawah.

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