Pabrik Kendaraan Listrik BMW di Austria Siap Beroperasi


Construction of New BMW Group Site Completed in Steyr

BMW Group recently announced the completion of construction at its new site in Steyr, northern Austria, which will be focusing on assembling the company’s “e-drives” for electric vehicles. The company has invested a significant amount in this project, with €1bn set to be invested in the factory by 2030, including €500m dedicated to the installation of 300 pieces of equipment.

Impressive Building Dimensions

The newly constructed building covers an area of 150m by 105m and features an impressive 60,000 sq m of production space. Work on this massive project began in September 2022 and the installation of the equipment has just begun. The extensive size and scale of the building and the planned investment in the factory reflect BMW Group’s commitment to the production of electric vehicles and e-drives.

Importance of E-Drives in Electric Vehicles

The installation at the site will primarily focus on the assembly of “e-drives” for electric vehicles. The e-drives will hold significant importance for BMW Group’s electric vehicles, as stated by Helmut Hochsteiner, head of electric drives in Steyr, who mentioned, “The 300 machines are all shapes and sizes, from small, individual items to the over-30m-long ‘marriage’ station. Here, four robots and other systems will work in concert to fit the transmission to the main motor.” This highlights the advanced and complex nature of the e-drive assembly process. When the plant becomes operational in 2025, it is expected to produce a substantial 600,000 e-drives annually.

Crucial Role of Equipment in the Assembling Process

One of the crucial elements to be installed in the factory is a crane, which will be utilized to move power electronics components from the clean-room where they are made down to the ground-floor assembly line. This demonstrates the intricate process involved in manufacturing electric drives and the high-tech infrastructure required for their assembly. The installation of the 300 pieces of equipment, mentioned earlier, will play a vital role in the success of the factory’s operations.

Factory’s Contribution to Sustainability

This investment in e-drive production will not only benefit the BMW Group but also contribute to the sustainability of electric vehicle manufacturing. As the global shift towards sustainable energy and transportation continues, BMW’s commitment to increase its electric vehicle production through innovative and advanced technologies further supports the company’s environmental goals. The significant investment in the factory reflects BMW’s dedication to advancing environmentally friendly transportation solutions.


The construction of BMW Group’s new site in Steyr, Austria, represents a significant step forward in the production of e-drives for electric vehicles. The completion of this state-of-the-art facility underscores BMW’s commitment to investing in sustainable and innovative technologies for the transportation industry. As electric vehicles continue to gain traction in the market, BMW’s strategic investment in e-drive production will not only enhance its competitive position in the industry but also contribute to the global shift towards sustainable transportation. With the factory set to become operational in 2025, BMW Group is poised to play a vital role in driving forward the electric vehicle industry.


Konstruksi telah selesai di situs BMW Group di Steyr, Austria utara, yang akan didedikasikan untuk merakit “e-drive” perusahaan untuk kendaraan listrik. Pekerjaan dimulai pada bangunan berukuran 150m x 105m dengan luas produksi 60.000 m2 pada bulan September 2022. Sejumlah €1 miliar akan diinvestasikan di pabrik tersebut hingga tahun 2030, dengan €500 juta dihabiskan untuk 300 peralatan, pemasangan yang baru saja dimulai. Komponen crane pertama yang akan dipasang adalah sistem elektronik daya dari ruang bersih tempat mereka dibuat ke lantai bawah untuk baris perakitan.

Helmut Hochsteiner, kepala penggerak elektrik di Steyr, mengatakan: “300 mesin memiliki berbagai bentuk dan ukuran, mulai dari item kecil hingga stasiun ‘pernikahan’ yang panjangnya lebih dari 30m. Di sini, empat robot dan sistem lainnya akan bekerja sama untuk memasang transmisi ke motor utama.” Ketika beroperasi pada tahun 2025, pabrik akan membuat 600.000 e-drive setiap tahun.

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