Rahasia Menarik! Ada Insentif Tambahan untuk Membeli Mobil Listrik di Negaramu

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The Secret to Saving Thousands on Your Next Electric Vehicle Purchase

Penghematan Uang Dengan Kredit Pajak Kendaraan Listrik

The Benefits of Electric Vehicle Tax Credits

Manfaat Kredit Pajak Kendaraan Listrik

Electric Vehicle Tax Credits Explained

Pengertian Kredit Pajak Kendaraan Listrik Electric Vehicle Tax Credits Explained

Electric Vehicle Tax Credits by State – What You Need to Know

Kredit Pajak Kendaraan Listrik Berdasarkan Negara – Apa yang Perlu Anda Ketahui

What States Have the Best EV Incentives?

Negara Mana yang Memberikan Insentif Kendaraan Listrik Terbaik?

How Do EV Tax Credits Work?

Bagaimana Cara Kerja Kredit Pajak Kendaraan Listrik?

A tax credit is usually structured as a rebate. That means you pay the full price upfront and then get the discount later when you file your taxes. The federal government’s EV tax credit is an exception, as car dealerships are allowed to take the discount off the sticker price, saving you the hassle of filing for the rebate later. How it works on a state-level depends, well, on the state. Before we get into that, let’s take a closer look at the federal tax credit. How does the federal EV tax credit work? The federal government is offering car-buyers up to $7,500 off the purchase of an EV. New electric vehicles can qualify for either the full $7,500 credit or a partial $3,750 credit. There’s also a similar tax credit of up to $4,000 for used electric vehicles. The rules for which credit a car qualifies for are a bit complicated. It depends on which specific car model you’re buying, where it’s manufactured and how much it costs. You can view the full list of which vehicles qualify — and for how much — on this official government website. And as mentioned earlier, this tax credit is unique in that participating car dealers are able to apply the discount at the point of sale, eliminating the need for the buyer to file paperwork for a tax rebate later.

Negara Mana yang Memberikan Insentif Kendaraan Listrik Terbaik?

On top of that federal incentive, many states are now offering (or considering) additional rebates to make EVs more affordable. Here’s a list of the most generous EV discounts available at the state level right now. Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, Delaware, New York, and California. These are a few among many states that have EV incentives.

Mengapa Beberapa Negara Lebih Ramah terhadap Kendaraan Listrik?

Often the states that are most generous to EV buyers are states that support clean energy more broadly. But Glenn said it also comes down to air quality: Many states justify their EV rebates in terms of potential improvements to air quality from taking gas-powered vehicles off the road. In addition to the seven states listed above, there are many more with programs that are awaiting more funding, or that are considering new EV rebates all together. “There’s always new states coming on board,” Glenn said. There are online tools where you can search for your state’s EV incentives. Glenn’s company, EV Life, is just one of many options. Another is the US Department of Energy’s state-level search tool that allows customers to see current state incentives for EVs, HEVs (hybrid vehicles) and PHEVs (plug-in hybrid vehicles). Some states to keep an eye on, according to Glenn, include New Jersey, Oregon, Texas, Illinois, Washington and Minnesota.

Apa Insentif Kendaraan Listrik Lokal yang Tersedia?

Believe it or not, federal and state programs aren’t the end of the free money available for EV purchase. Many local governments and utility companies offer even more incentives for electric vehicles. The US Department of Energy also offers the ability to search by utility to see which EVs, HEVs and PHEVs qualify for local incentives. You can also check with your city or electricity provider to see if they might have additional rebates you can stack on top of the federal and state tax credits. “There’s just a whole world of opportunity out there,” Glenn said. Want to find out more about EV incentives in your state? Visit EV Life’s website for more resources and to see if you qualify for state-level discounts.


Pemerintah federal AS menawarkan pengurangan pajak hingga $7,500 untuk pembelian mobil listrik baru. Banyak negara bagian juga memberikan kredit pajak tambahan senilai ribuan dolar yang dapat ditumpukkan di atas diskon federal. Bersama-sama, Anda bisa menghemat lebih dari $10,000 untuk pembelian mobil listrik, tergantung di mana Anda tinggal. Namun, bagaimana sebenarnya kredit pajak mobil listrik ini bekerja dan negara bagian mana yang menawarkan insentif terbaik bagi pembeli mobil listrik?

Negara bagian mana yang menawarkan insentif mobil listrik terbaik? Bagaimana cara mencari tahu kualifikasi Anda untuk insentif tersebut? Apakah kota Anda atau penyedia listrik menawarkan kredit pajak tambahan? Bagikan pendapat Anda tentang penggunaan mobil listrik di daerah Anda dan apakah Anda merasa insentif ini berguna atau tidak. Jangan ragu untuk memberikan komentar dan bertanya lebih lanjut!

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